From Media Connect Asia:
China imposes strict rules in online games; bans foreign investments
By Eduardo Sioson
Oct 12, 2009
Biz IT ran a story by Xinhua on China imposing protectionism on its online gaming industry by blocking the entry of foreign investors through a joint notice by the General Administration of Press and Publication (GAPP) and the National Copyright Administration.
According to the notice by China’s press and copyright authorities, foreign companies are banned to invest in the country’s online game operations whether it is a wholly owned enterprise, partnership and cooperatives. Likewise, foreign investors are not allowed to offer technical support in relation to China’s online gaming business.
The new regulation, which aims to put a stop on illegal operators and prevent the proliferation of unhealthy contents, also restricts local operators from running an online gaming business without securing a permit from the GAPP.
Earlier, authorities had managed to close down 45 foreign online game operators who don’t have an approval from the regulators.
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11 years ago